Today is the 3rd of December out here and it's also my final day of working at the Casuarina All Sports Club! I'm excited but also sad at the same time (if that makes sense..??) haha. I've been blessed with my bartending job there and being able to meet all my co-workers as well as the "regulars" who I've come to know pretty well through many a poured beers. At the same time I'm happy to get back to my schedule of being in the gym 24/7 and on the bball grind without having to worry about working at all! Overall it's been a great place to work and I'm thankful for them taking me on as an employee the past few months.
That leads me into my U.G.L.Y. fundraising efforts that ended a few days ago. We had a huge raffle night last Friday and raised around $1,400!!! It was a fun night and we raffled off meat trays, ham, electronics, a keg and much more... I wasn't behind the bar at all that night, I was working the floor selling raffle tickets and making jokes! It was a ton of fun and everyone was very generous for some prizes but ultimately the foudation. After that night that brought our final total to around $3,400 for the whole month!!! Not bad at all when our original goal was just $1,000. The winners and prizes are awarded on Monday so we'll see how I stacked up against the rest of the NT. I'm happy with how everything turned out and feel lucky to have had the opportunity to help make an impact in peoples lives here in Darwin outside of basketball.
Our Eagles basketball club end of the season banquet went very well and we had a good time spending it with everyone from the club. Bobby and myself were also there for the youth banquet to help support the kids and mess around with them on the dance floor :)
-The Eagles mens senior team-
-Here's a picture of Reidy our President for the club-
After my last night of work tonight there won't really be much that I "have" to do haha. Saturday is the grand finals day for the youth teams as well as the senior squads so I will most likely be at the gym allllll day supporting some of our youth teams that made it to the Finals as well as to watch the finals mens game at night. Saturday night should be a fun one too because all of the teams will be out on the town since the season will officially be done and over with! So i'm looking forward to getting out on the town with all the fellas one last time, I'll definitely miss some of these guys out here for sure. I've had a great time while here in Darwin and wouldn't of change it for the world. I've met some great people and played some good bball, everything I wanted and more. I can only hope that Perth has just as much to offer me as Darwin has.... we'll see!
I think this will be my last post until I start up again in February when I'm over in Perth for the 2011 season with the East Perth Eagles! The paperwork is coming through today for me to sign and then all will be finalized!
I want to give a big shout out to everyone who reads my blog, I appreciate it. It definitely helps keep me busy and also helps me look back on the good times I've had while traveling the world playing ball. I also want to thank friends and family for another bball season of support through Skype and emails! If it wasn't for them I know I wouldn't be where I am today. Finally I gotta give all the props to God for blessing me with the ability to play this game and stay healthy and in shape. Hard work always pays off, remember that!!!
This is Big Matt signing off for the last time from Darwin 2010.....PEACE!
Until tomorrow...
"make it happen"