Sunday night we decided we'd try to get as many people out on the town as possible because Monday was a bank holiday and pretty much no one was going to be working! So we headed out to a place called Mortimers in Coventry and about five of the guys showed up, some with some friends as well. It was a pub/nightclub with some decent music. We had a good time and it was nice to have a proper night out on the town before leaving for the States.
Monday was basically spent packing and spending time with the roommates. John and I left to head over to coaches for dinner and I was going to spend the night so Scott could drive me to the airport in the early AM. I'm glad I got to spend some good time with Scott, Rebecca and Selah before I left, they have really been an amazing family to me since I had arrived in Coventry.
I left early Tuesday at 6AM. The flights were good, just long, but everything went as planned and I made it home safely. It's a little weird not being at the house on 18 Sewall Highway but I know in my heart that I'll see my friends again sometime in the future! Thanks to the Coventry Crusaders, The Woods family, Mosaic Church, John Olinger, my housemates, The Neely family, The whole Smith family for their support, John Farwell, Craig Sladek, AIA, my friends (both in Seattle and the UK) and most importantly God for giving me the ability to live this life and share it with others! God Bless :)
This is going to be the last blog I will be doing until I get my next gig, where ever that may be... I really appreciate everyone that follows up on me and hopefully you all have enjoyed reading about my time spent in the UK! I will be in Seattle for the summertime and the plan is to be back in Europe come August/September...I will update the blog with any new details once I find things out myself.
Until tomorrow...
"make it happen"