Since our game was re-scheduled John and I decided to get in the gym for an early AM workout before our coaching session at 9. It was a cold morning but we finally warmed up and got a good solid workout in getting plenty of shots up and of course some extra cardio :)... line sprints are never fun, BUT to be the best one's gotta do the things others won't EVEN when no one is watching!!
Our coaching session was right after we finished working out, so there was no time clean up but it was good to have the kids watch us prior to their workout so they could see what things look like that we try to teach them.
Saturdays are days when the younger teams play, like the U12's, U16's and U18's. So we stayed and helped with the teams. John was a referee while I coached the U12 team! I'm not gonna lie, it was a blast and for one of the first times I could see myself as a coach... kinda weird but you never know where and when God will put signs in your life to point you in your next direction. I got to coach them for 2 games and we went 1-1 with much improvement in the 2nd game after getting blown out in the first one hahah..
After the U12 games John and I just spectated the U16 and U18 teams play. Both had tough games and lost, but it was fun to see some young kids that we help coach do good things on the court and have fun.
The rest of the day was open for once and we went home to relax for a while. Our only other plan was to head out to dinner at Nando's (a portuguese chicken style restaurant) with Lauren and Lucy. They are both associated with the Crusaders organization and John has know them since he's been here for a year now. The food was delicious, but the portions were small like most European restaurants and it seemed overpriced but who cares! This is all an experience and not time to be cheap about anything! After dinner John and I had talked about getting out on the town, but most all of our teammates were either out of town for the weekend or already doing something else. That and the fact that it was about 22degrees out, we decided to just go home, warm up and call it a night and leave going out till after our next home game next Saturday. So no worries everybody, I will be shaking my groove thang shortly haha!
We started with church at 10:30 at Mosaic. It was once again a great service with a guest speaker Joe Ramaya (originally from malaysia) who had been friends with the pastor for around 15 years. He was an absolute jokester and had me sucked in from the get go with his punchlines. His message was clear and relevant to what people needed and wanted to hear. It was very refreshing to see/hear someone preach the way he did with such passion and humor, it's the type of preaching that makes me WANT to attend service and learn more about God and become a better christian man on my journey.
After church we hurried off to meet coach and his family (wife Rebecca and 17month old daughter Selah) at his house so we could have lunch together. We headed into Birmingham, which meant this was my first train ride and also first time into Birmingham! It was a quick 20 minute train ride into the city (which is the 2nd largest in the UK) then we headed to a place called Wagamamas (pronounced waga mama's lol) to eat. It was like a japanese/curry restaurant and absolutely delish :). It was a nice time to get to spend with coach and his family outside of Coventry. Coach Scott and his fam stayed to do some shopping but John and I had to run after lunch was over because we were invited to watch the Arsenal v. Manchester United futbol game (soccer game) at someones house and it started at 4pm. I really like Birmingham a lot though and I'm glad that it's soooo close! I'm definitely going to be going back shortly to kick it and shop around :)... BTW I forgot my camera at home, so no pictures this time! Sorry, but soon again I'll be out there...
We went to a friend of John's house named Tammy, where there was about 7 of us to watch the match including Ed, who used to play for the Crusaders last year but now has a family and just refs the youth games. Tammy is from Trinidad and also had her adopted grandma living with her who is 95 and a MEAN cook!!! We had lamb, homemade macaroni, potato salad and some sord of gravy topping that was amazing! Manchester ended up winning 3-1 and everyone was upset since they all support Arsenal, but it was a great time and I can't wait for more matches and also the upcoming Rugby season!!.... So now it's time for me to pick a club to support in futbol since I've been here almost a month! I still have to do some research but soon enough I will have my team.
Now it's just chill time at the house, and I'm gonna get on my @ home workout in the living room :). Gotta stay on it! Time to prepare mentally for the week ahead..
Until tomorrow...
"make it happen"
God's funny that way sometimes. He throws those little moments in your life and you know it has to be him. : ]