Saturday, 13 March 2010

Two months in Coventry...

This past week was a good one. I had a few sessions with some schools that are going to be in our next Hoops4Health tournament and they had their "game faces" on haha. It's always funny to hold a session where there's really nothing for the kids to neccessarily get out of it (as far as a future goal for them to achieve or tournament to look forward to) compared to when I go to school's that have a game coming up to get ready for. Once I tell the kids how good the other schools are they get this face on like "well they're not gonna beat us"! It's funny how they all of a sudden want to pay attention and actually "try" haha.

This past week we've had a "helper" Tyler Slaymaker, who had to do his "work experience" for year 10 in school. Every student has 2 weeks off during the year to do this ordeal, not a bad idea and it seems to work well in the community. So he decided he wanted to do it with the Crusaders being as though he loves bball and wants to maybe work in a sports atmosphere later on in life. Tyler is 15 and plays for our U16 crusaders team. He was a big help this past week with my sessions as he tagged along and helped with running some drills and keeping track of all the balls we have to bring along. He also had some very helpful information on a project that I've been working on for the Crusader Organization regarding a rewards system for the youth. Similar to Karate where you start at a white belt and work your way up to a black belt, I've been creating a system for the Crusader U12/14's & 16's so that as they get older we can monitor their development and in turn they can see how well they are improving and hopefully this will push them to practice more and WANT to get to the next level. We'll see what happens as this "takes flight" and we begin to test it on some of the kids to see how it'll work.

John and I spent pretty much all day Friday over at coach's house as our good friend through Athletes in Action, John Farwell was in town briefly on his way to Kurdistan to take a tour team out there to play a few games and minister to the people. We had an awesome day filled with interesting conversations about God, bball, relationships, family and whatever else sparked interest. Scott got his game face on in the kitchen and cooked up a meannnnnnn lamb curry AND chicken curry, both BOMB.COM haha! Gotta admit it's pretty encouraging to see a "man" tear it up in the kitchen, I gotta keep stepping my game up! It was a great day and nice to finally get to know Farwell a little more as we didn't get much time to talk while in Australia on our tour in Nov/Dec. I really appreciate his knowledge of the Bible and the life of Jesus, he's an extremely motivated learner of the word and loves to share it with others so that they may spread the good news as he has. It was also nice to thank him in person for setting me up out here in Coventry as he was my connection to the Crusaders!! Funny how one situation in life leads to another.... think about it....all seems to happen for a reason, even if we don't understand how or why.

I really can't believe its already been 2 months, as it seems like its only been 2 weeks haha! I've really enjoyed my time and experience here and am looking forward each and every day to new adventures and exciting times. I miss everyone at home a lot, but I know that I'll be back in no time and thanks to emails/skype and phone calls it doesn't ever seem like I'm any further than right down the street!!

We have a big match tomorrow against the London Leopards on the road! This is a super crucial match for us as we are currently tied in 9th place with them. Here is a link for live updated stats/shot chart if you have time to watch while you're on the comp doing something else...Send your good vibes!

Until tomorrow...
"make it happen"

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