I have absolutley no experience in the Bartending industry, but that didn't seem to matter. I went into work for my "test run"/Interview yesterday for a couple of hours to see if I was going to like it, and if they were going to like me haha. Within 30 minutes I was pouring beers and mixing some cocktails, and I gotta admit, it was FUN! Learning all the beers and drinks will be tough as well as learning to use the register, but give me a week or so and "I'm in there like swimwear baby!!" I think when it gets real busy on certain nights time will fly by (and when you're making almost 30$ an hr that's A-OK). Plus chatting it up with people/customers is what I love to do and that's one of the main jobs you have as a bartender (other than getting them their drink of course). Overall I'm excited that I'll have the chance to learn a new trait/skill and get to meet a lot of new people along the way!
We finally got to play another game this week on Tuesday, after having no game for the past two weeks!!! It was rough to have to wait, but well worth it. We got the win 102-73, I had another good game and ended up with 34pts and 15rebounds. We are now 3-1 and tied for second place! Next week will be a much more difficult game as we get to face the Rebels who are currently 4-0 and on top of the leader board. They have a tough team that consists on 4 import players compared to most other teams who have two import players, but that doesn't matter I'm still ready for the challenge! I really like our team a lot and I feel that we can make it far this season if we keep continuing to gel. Some of our younger players are making positive strides each week and that will only continue to make us a stronger team.
Our host mom Donna has a grandson Cohen who gets to spend maybe 1 night a week over at the house with us so that his parents can have some "alone" time haha. He is about 16 months old and just adorable. He already recognizes me and can pretty much say "matt" although it sounds really funny. This past weekend we (me, bobby, donna and cohen) were all at the gym watching and supporting our younger Eagles players play. Bobby and I wanted to grab a Subway (since I can drive now :) ) and Cohen decided he wanted to come along for the ride hahah! So we strapped him into his car seat and took off. While we were waiting in line for our subs he was sitting at a table listening to Bobby's ipod (which probably wasn't the best music for a 16 month kid to be listening to haha)! He's a funny kid and loves his electronics big time, he already knows how to unlock his moms Iphone! It's cool having him around at times and being able to play with him and just watch him do funny things and try to say new words. I feel like it's kind-of a practice session for me, I've never really had the opportunity to be around or take care of a young baby. I've always be gone from home when my friends or cousins have kids. So it's fun!
This is Cohen with Bobby's cell phone and as you can see Bobby has Cohen's shirt off and his shorts sagging! hahaha it was just for the pic tho!
Cohen with momma Donna getting his grub on while we eat our Subways.
It's been 3 full weeks now and I honestly can't believe it. It's almost been 2 full months since I left Seattle for Malaysia. Time really is precious! So make the best of it!
I wanna give a big shout out to my brother Addison for recently getting engaged to his girlfriend Ashley! I'm happy for you guys and will be home to celebrate in December! Another big shout out to my cousin Robby and his wife Katie for having twins on the way! My family just keeps growing each day, but it's awesome and I can't wait to get home and see what else has changed!
Until tomorrow...
"make it happen"
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